I personally find it odd when people ask me photography-related questions because my initial reaction is always to say, “Why are you asking me? Isn’t there someone else you can ask that’s like, way smarter about this stuff?”
But I do love when other photographers write Q&A segments on their blogs and not that I have anything mind-blowing to contribute to that pot, but if you have a question, please feel free to ask! If I get enough questions, I might start doing a weekly post about it… I like to think I’m an open book and I’m all for helping fellow photographers reach their goals, so if I can help in any way, I’ll sure try!
And since no post is good without a picture…
It’s supposed to snow again tomorrow and I have a session that can’t be rescheduled since we’ve had to reschedule twice already. Here’s to working in adverse situations and making great photos regardless!