Motivation Monday, Issue 8

So I’ve come to the conclusion that Motivation Monday has run it’s course. I am definitely still in “goal mode” and I feel like I’ve accomplished a lot this year already. But I’ve decided the blog isn’t where I want to share those lists as I’d rather keep this area dedicated to photos. In fact, I will probably be writing less and keeping the focus on photos completely. Of course, I’ll continue to share personal photos as well as client work but the truth is—even I don’t like to read bulky blog posts. When catching up on my Google Reader, I generally just bypass the paragraphs and get straight to the goods. Of course, the writer in me always wants to tell the story, the whole story, so I’ll always write something. However, instead of a full newspaper article, I’ll probably trim it down to the cliff notes. Unless something totally crazy happens, then you’ll get the full disclosure.

And for all you photography enthusiasts out there, you’ll appreciate these photos of us taken by Kristen Marie, one of my favorite Seattle photographers (and photographers in general). We had so much fun with her on Saturday and I am literally blown away by her kindness and God-given talent.


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