Seattle, WA.
I love unique celebrations for unique, amazing couples. Meghann+Josh were together for ten years when Josh suddenly surprised Meghann with a proposal during a trip to Morocco. If that wasn’t enough to get me excited about them, then they told me they didn’t want me to photograph their wedding day. They wanted me the day after for the celebration with their friends and family and for some one-on-one portrait time with them alone. It was like the stars aligned and my photography dreams came true in an instant. Thanks to Amber Zbitnoff for coming along for what turned out to be a super fun and relaxed day. And another huge thanks to Meghann+Josh for what was one awesomely refreshing wedding experience.
Sorry I couldn’t share more. I’m on short supply of time these days as George and I continue to adjust to our new Seattle apartment (I can’t believe we’ve been here two weeks already) and our new routine. I’m getting caught up on work as fast as my right finger can click the mouse and weddings haven’t seemed to slow down yet. So bring it on, Fall! I’ve still got plenty of shutter clicks left in me!
1 Comment
That is a DREAMY photo assignment, for sure! I adore the green building. And I love all the photos. What a beautiful couple.
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