Dominique + Josh / Georgetown Ballroom Wedding Teaser


S + C / Camano Island State Park Wedding Teaser


The Creative Bride


Samantha + Brandon / Wedding at Axis in Pioneer Square Teaser

  Saturday was perfect on a new level. Thank you to Megan of A Kurant Event for organizing such a beautiful soirée for Samantha + Brandon, who deserved


Liz + Mark / Whimsical Backyard Wedding in Port Angeles

Liz+Mark are a couple of geniuses… Liz wanted to get married close to home and Mark wanted to get married near the water. So instead of spending


Krisha + Stefan in Polaroid


Krisha + Stefan / 50s Style Wedding at EM Art Gallery Teaser

Today. Thank you to Emily from Manette Gracie Weddings & Events for making K+S’s day so spectacularly lovely.


Katie + Gamaliel / Aldridge Botanical Gardens Wedding in Hoover, Alabama Teaser

How do I get so lucky to photograph such wonderfully warm people?


Katie + Gamaliel / Birmingham, Alabama Botanical Gardens Engagement Teaser

We’re here in Birmingham, Alabama to celebrate with these two and I’ve already developed a serious crush on them… When I asked how the


Elle + Conor / Seattle Greenhouse Engagement Teaser

What’s that old saying? “When March comes in like a lion, it goes out like a lamb.” Here’s hoping that rings true, as we’ve


Ashley + Peter / Classy October Wedding at Sodo Park

When Ashley+Peter’s wedding finally arrived, George and I were like kids on Christmas morning. Waking up early and asking ourselves “is it


SJ + Noah in the Studio / Abstract Seattle Studio Portraits

I’ve waited far too long to create an image simply for the sake of creating it. Thank you SJ and Noah for coming out and being up for anything! And
